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Is Sanchez's pet iguana an evil iguana bought from an evil pet store? |
I will concede that a great
villain doesn’t hurt the films’ chances. So here are my top ten James Bond
villains (plus one). This is all in good fun, and maybe pointing out a few you
may have forgotten.
Runner Up Max Zoren A View to a Kill (1985)
OK, I admit I have a weak
spot for this movie. It was the first James Bond film I saw in theaters. I
know, poor unfortunate me. But even though this film is pretty unimpressive all
the way around, Christopher Walken as Max Zoren is one of the most memorable
villains in the franchise. I mean he is Christopher Walken-ing all over the
place in this move. Over the top? Sure, but he’s supposed to be a Nazi created
superhuman, so really can you blame him?
Walken is blonde, pops his
eyes out threateningly and comes at Bond with an axe at one point. I love that
he says the word “schedule” with a full on British pronunciation in one scene
and then says the word “power” with a full on New York accent in another scene.
It is a pure Walken performance and in this goofy movie, it just adds to the
surreal value. So yeah, honorable mention for sure.
10. Xenia Onatopp Goldeneye 1995
Famke Jannsen steams up the
screen any time she’s on it – even dressed in a jumpsuit as a helicopter pilot…
Ok, maybe not in that scene. She’s sex crazed and psycho and I love her for it.
She can kill people by
crushing their ribs with her thighs, and she gets off on it. She mows down
people with machine guns, smokes cigars and just generally is one of the best
over-the-top henchmen in the series. She’s having a blast in the role, and it
really comes across. She is actually a bit intimidating, because you just don’t
know what she’s gonna do next. A fun performance and certainly one of my
favorite baddies in the series.
9. Ernst Stavro Blofeld On Her Majesty’s Secret Service 1969
When it comes to the 1960s
James Bond films, the main villain is the bald, cat owning Blofeld. And while
most folks feel Donald Pleasence gave the definitive performance of the role in
You Only Live Twice, I have to go
with Telly Savalas in On Her Majesty’s
Secret Service.
Yes, he uses his bald
cranium to come up with devious schemes, but he is also a physical match for
James Bond. The two actually face each other in this film, and Lazenby and
Savalas make for a good opposing pair. Savalas is intimidating when he needs to
be, but also this air of sophistication and urbane confidence. No film in the
original 20 ever really captured the character from the novels quite right, but
Savalas is the best of the bunch.
8. Red Grant From Russia With Love 1963
But the first real threat to
Bond came in the second film, when Robert Shaw first kills 007 in front of our
eyes in the pre-credit sequence. Red Grant then spends the rest of the movie as
a well-muscled and dangerous shadow. He lurks in the background of scenes like
a tiger stalking the kill.
This combination of fine suspenseful
directing and editing (guided by director Terence Young) combined with Shaw’s
intimidating stature and confidence really works. Red Grant is a frightening
character, and when he makes his move and pretty much overpowers Bond, you
really think, this is it, James is a goner. Rarely were the following films
able to capture that sense of danger with a single character.
7. Le Chifre Casino Royale 2006
The Daniel Craig films went
out of their way to humanize and ground their villains. It fit the tone these
films were going for, but also made the villains less entertaining. In a way that is
fine, because the focus of the movies became James Bond and not the baddies.
But Le Chifre as performed by Mads Mikkelsen, is one of the best villains of
the series.
Part of it is the
desperation in the character. As Le Chifre’s plan begins to unravel, we can see
him losing control and willing to do just about anything to win the high stakes
game. This fear in his eyes makes him a much more compelling villain than
someone like Gustav Graves from DieAnother Day. It’s a great performance and one that makes the torture scene
even more riveting, because you know Le Chifre has nothing to lose.
6. Oddjob Goldfinger 1964
How can I not have a space
for one of the most iconic henchmen in film movie history. Everything works
here. Harold Sakata’s silent performance, with that deadly smile. His debonair
outfit and bowler hat. Even the tinkling chimes that John Barry adds to the
film score whenever he is on screen. Oddjob is much like Red Grant in that we
see him in action early on, but he lurks in the background for a good portion
of the movie, and we just wait for him to strike.
His final battle with Bond
inside Fort Knox is a classic. We know Bond is physically overmatched. But 007
is fighting for his life, and the only way he can take down Oddjob is with his
brains. Really a classic villain and personally I think he is more effective
than his much-lauded master.
5. Jaws The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) and Moonraker (1979)
As good as Oddjob is, I just
like Jaws a little bit more. For me it is Richard Kiel’s performance that makes
the whole thing work. When he is in full killer mode in The Spy Who Loved Me, he is terrifying. His immense stature, and
those brutal teeth are nightmare fuel. He makes short work of several folks
early on, and we really start to worry about Bond.
But unlike Oddjob and Red
Grant, Bond and Jaws face off several times in the film. As before, Bond is not
able to battle this man with strength alone, it takes quick thinking to escape
from Jaws. But what makes it all work is Kiel’s reactions when he is thwarted,
it’s a kinda of annoyed “oh well, I’ll get him next time” sequence. It makes
Jaws more human and relatable. We get a good laugh after the thrill and that
works perfect. The creators over egg the pudding in Moonraker and it hurts the character, but in The Spy Who Loved Me, Jaws is one of the best.
4. Fiona Volpe Thunderball 1965
But my favorite henchman
(hench woman… is that a word?) has to be Fiona. She’s sexy as all hell,
confident, deadly and for the bulk of Thunderball’s
running time, the most effective minion SPECTRE has. When she blows away a
useless minion using a motorcycle that launches rockets, its hard not to fall
for this bad girl. I love that she target shoots as well as Largo, our main villain.
After several failed
attempts on Bond’s life, Fiona decides to show these jokers how it is done, and
she gets damn close to pulling it off. Thunderball
is one of my favorite 60s 007 flicks, and Fiona Volpe as performed by Luciana
Paluzzi is one of the main reasons.
3. Electra King The World is Not Enough 1999
Most of my readers have
figured out by now that I like tough dangerous women in my fiction. So it
should be no surprise to see Electra on this list and this high up on it. She
is one of the most manipulative and charismatic villains James Bond ever faced.
The way she uses 007 and Renard to get what she wants is really remarkable, and
never seen again in the franchise.
Sophie Marceau’s magnificent
performance is what makes it work. She’s seductive, dark and intense. In her
final confrontation with Bond she really gets the better of him, and it is a
tense sequence. It is such a shame that her character and performance were
attached to a confused script and the fact that the only thing anyone remembers
about this movie is Denise Richards.
2. Franz Sanchez License to Kill 1989
The final two villains were
really neck and neck, and it was nearly impossible for me to pick one over the
other. But in the end I had to. Sanchez is probably the best of the grounded
villains in the franchise. He’s not after world domination, or hatching crazy
schemes. He’s all about maintaining his drug empire and keeping anyone stupid
enough to mess with him out of his way. He is ruthless, but has his own code
that we understand and can even respect. He’s a cunning guy, and it becomes
obvious how he managed to maintain and control his operation.
Robert Davi’s performance as
Sanchez is perfect. I love the relaxed arrogant way he talks to Bond. And he
holds his own with Dalton in the scenes they share together. It is hard to tell who is more cold blooded, Sanchez or his pet iguana. Once Bond’s plan
to destroy Sanchez’s operation from within kicks into high gear, Davi lets us
see the Sanchez lose more and more control until we get to the insane truck
chase and the fiery conclusion. Another example where the main villain is a
perfect match for Bond and it creates tension and thrills when they face off.
1. 006 Goldeneye 1995
That is why it should come
as no surprise that I pick Alec Trevelyan as my favorite James Bond antagonist.
He literally is 006, the dark and distorted mirror of James Bond. He has all
the same training, the same knowledge and worked closely with Bond on previous
missions. When he goes rogue, it raises all kinds of problems, because 006 can
literally anticipate 007s every move.
Sean Bean’s performance is
what sells the whole thing for me. He’s great in the role of the tarnished
superspy. His scenes in the pre-credit sequence we see his camaraderie with
James, but also show he is much colder than Bond. His later scenes with Brosnan
are great, and the final hand-to-hand battle on top of the radar dish is brutal
and intense. Sadly the writing doesn’t really give Bean too much to work with
plot wise, but his performance as this most dangerous of characters makes him
my favorite.
Who are your favorite Bond
villains? Did I leave anyone off the list that should be on? (I know there are
some serious Goldfinger fans out