Friday, April 18, 2014

Anime Juke Box - RideBack - RideBack

So I readily admit that my nostalgia gets the better of me, especially when it comes to anime. I reviewed some newer anime when I was writing for DVD Verdict and discovered that most of it was just OK. There were a few shows that were better than others, but nothing really exceptional. That is the main reason I'm sticking to the classics I know and love for this blog. But anime marches on and so does the J-pop used for the opening and closing credits. 

I figured, for once I'll feature a song from a recent anime that I actually enjoyed, RideBack, made in 2009 (OK, not too recent). The J-pop opening credits by Mell feature the typical digi-voiced gal singing with some serious techo backbeats, you know, kinda like modern pop. It is a catchy tune. But with all the voice manipulation I didn't realize until almost two years after seeing it, that all the lyrics are in ENGLISH! Seriously, she's singing in English. They lyrics even tie to the show. Crazy, I tell ya, just plain crazy.


  1. Pleasantly lighthearted.

    In "Kill Bill" I was unaware the were singing "I'm Blue" in English until I looked up info on the group on a whimsy. Once you know you can tell.

    1. Well of course you mentioned it, and then I looked it up... and you are right. It was all in English. I revisted those films last year, how did I miss that?
