Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Score Sample - Krull - James Horner

Thanks to my pal Jon Broxton over at Movie Music UK, I've been listening to the score to Krull a lot. I've heard this championed as one of James Horner's best scores from the early part of his career. And if you love his sweeping adventure style, with great themes, lush romance and creative action music... well it's hard to argue. 

I've been thinking a bit about this movie. I realized that if it was remade as a Japanese anime, they pretty much wouldn't have to change a thing and it would be a popular show. Hell they could flesh out some of the characters even more (with a 13 episode series) and give the whole thing a bit more intensity when you start losing characters. But they would have to keep Horner's score. Check out the Main Title track that includes the main theme for the film as well as score for the opening moments when the evil Slayers arrive on the planet (cued by their electronic howl).

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